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International Clinical Trials Day


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Dear colleagues and friends,

Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research continues this year the series of roundtable meetings organized for discussion about the status of clinical trial development in Romania.

On May 19th, on the occasion of celebrating International Clinical Trials Day, you are invited to join us to discussing about latest changes in the clinical trials environment in our country.

As is well known, Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research is a mediator of discussion with the sole purpose of strengthening relationships between Romanian competent authorities and pharma & CRO industry representatives, as well as investigators, patient associations, and other clinical trials specialists.

This year we would like to update all patient association representatives, journalists, and our fellow CT specialists, about the partnership recently concluded between the various bodies involved in clinical trials in Romania, i.e. the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Romania (NAMMDR), the National Bioethics Committee of Medicines and Medical Devices, Romania (NBCMMDR), the Romanian Association of International Medicine Manufacturers (ARPIM), the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, the Romanian Association of CROs (ACCSCR), and the Local American Working Group (LAWG).

Join us to celebrate the International Clinical Trials Day 2023!
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Event Details

  • Date: 19th of May, 2023; 11.00 o’clock – 14.00 o’clock
  • Location:  Metropolis Center, 89-97, Grigore Alexandrescu St., 1st District, 010627, Bucharest, Romania, Hall Prague, Groud Floor 
  • Registration: on our website www.avantyo.com
  • Deadline registration: 17th of May, 2023
  • Language: Romanian
  • Participation: Free of charge!

Specialists in monitoring and regulatory affairs for clinical trials, from CROs or Pharma Companies / Sponsors, medical investigators from sites.

Assoc. Prof. Diana Paun Presidential Advisor
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Paun (born 1968) graduated the Faculty of Medicine and had a PhD in Medical Science at the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest. She is a senior specialist in endocrinology and is associate professor at the Endocrinology Department at "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy. She worked at the National Institute of Endocrinology "C. I. Parhon" as a doctor, researcher, professor, and from 2006 to 2015 as a hospital manager. She holds a certificate of complementary studies in Health Services Management and has graduated "Public Health Management and Health Services" Master Program, attended several management improvement programs, quality auditor programs, trainer and an expert in public procurement programs.
  • Dr. Diana Loreta Paun is member in several national professional associations (Romanian Association of Clinical Endocrinology, Romanian Endocrinology Society) and international (German Endocrinology Society, European Society of Endocrinology - ESE), member of the Romanian Association of AACE (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists) being its chairman between 2011-2012. She published studies and scientific papers in national and international scientific journals. Currently she is working in health management. She was director and team member in several national and international scientific research projects and part of educational and continuing medical education programs. Dr. Diana Loreta Paun was appointed as State Councelor on public health issues at the Presidential Administration of Romania starting with 1st June 2015.
Dr. Pharm. Razvan Mihai Prisada President of the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Romania (NAMMDR)
  • Razvan Mihai Prisada is a pharmacist and a Doctor of Pharmacy and has occupied the position of Vice President of the Romanian College of Pharmacists since 2016.
  • In 2019, having extensive experience in the pharmaceutical field and in national and European medicinal product policies, Razvan Mihai Prisada coordinated, as chair, the activity of the Working Group on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices within the Council of the European Union.
  • Razvan Mihai Prisada  has graduated the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest.  
Prof. Dr. Victor Dan Eugen Strambu University Professor of General Surgery Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest Manager of Nephrology Clinical Hospital Dr.Carol Davila, Bucharest
  • 1994-1999 Specialist in General Surgery St Pantelimon Emergency Clinical Hospital Bucharest
  • 1995-2000 Coordinator of the Emergency Department"St. Pantelimon" Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest
  • 1999-2011 Senior specialist in general surgery "St. Pantelimon" Clinical Emergency Hospital, Bucharest
  • 2001-2011 Head of General Surgery
  • 2009-2010 General Manager "St. Pantelimon" Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest
  • 2011-2017 University Lecturer - Head of discipline
  • 2017-Present University Professor - Head of discipline EDUCATION AND TRAINING General Surgery Department - Surgery Clinic - Nephrology Clinical Hospital "Dr Carol Davila" - "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest

Technical skills and competences

  • Laparoscopic surgery
  • Management of public health and health services
  • Prehospital Emergencies
  • Emergency Surgery
  • Onchologic Surgery laparoscopic surgery

Other skills and competences

Scientific And Reseasrch Activity:

  • Scientific Director in two National Grants
  • Member of The Research Team in two National research grants
  • Author or co-author of 7 medical books
  • Co-author in 3 invention brevets
Dr. George Regio Tanaseanu President of the Romanian Association of CRO’s (ACCSCR) Country Manager PSI CRO AG Romania
  • Dr. Tanaseanu is the present PSI CRO AG Country Manager for Romania since 2015, being responsible for planning and implementing country / region strategy, resource allocation; performance appraisal
  • staff training
  • budget management
  • supervision and optimization of corporate and operations activities
  • quality assurance and quality control
  • communication with clients, vendors, project teams on project and administrative matters
  • development of country-specific guidelines
  • participation in feasibility evaluation and in client and bid-defence meetings for Romania, Moldova plus France, Italy and Spain.
  • clinical research senior professional with 20+ years of experience in the industry
  • 2022 Head of the CRO Association in Romania (ACCSCR)
Dr. Cristina Florescu Moraid President of Clinical Trials Symposium, CEO AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research
  • Dr. Florescu Moraid got her Medical Doctor Diploma in 1998 from „Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania and was accredited as Laboratory Medicine Specialist in 2005 and as Senior Laboratory Medicine Specialist in 2011, by the Romanian College of Physicians.
  • She got her Master of Science Diploma in 2006 , accomplished Postgraduated School of Clinical Trials Management, Gdansk in 2012 and the Postgraduated Leadership Development Programme at University of Sussex, UK in 2014.
  • Dr. Florescu Moraid was responsible for clinical trials operations at Synevo Central Lab, the clinical research wing of Swedish Medicover Group as Regional Director for Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria and Serbia between 2005-2018. She has been organizing Synevo Clinical Trials Symposium for 10 years.
  • Since beginning of 2019, she is Co-founder of Avantyo - Institute of Clinical Research and CEO of Camina Medical Experts, developing tailored CT services for pharma sponsors, CROs and mid-size biotech companies.
  • She is invited speaker for different scientific events and acts as active advocate for rising awareness over the importance of developing clinical trials for the patient’s benefit.

For previous events, please access one of the following links.