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The Clinical Trials Monitor, an ``orchestrator`` – article in Viata Medicala Magazine

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The Clinical Trials Monitor, an ``orchestrator`` –  article in Viata Medicala Magazine

Dr Cristina Florescu Moraid - AVANTYO CEO, talks about the complexity of knowledge and responsibilities that make the monitor look like an orchestrator who puts the actors of the clinical trial to “sing” for the best “music”. She also points out that this speciality is almost “unknown” to medical science graduates even if clinical trials and monitoring are very important nowadays.

A monitor / Clinical Research Associate must have an academic degree in biomedical sciences and to know how to apply the good clinical practices and regulations, ICH GCP.

Working in clinical trial monitoring also requires knowledge of project management, data processing and correlation, communication. A detailed list of responsibilities can be found in the article.

As in Romania, there are no university or post-graduate training modules for CRA, as it happens in more developed countries, Romanian monitors must periodically participate in training to keep up to date with the news.

The author concludes by emphasizing the importance of clinical trials in testing new molecules and of training the specialists in this field, going as far as proposing the recognition of the profession/speciality of the clinical trial monitor in Romania.

The article was published on the 1st of May 2020, in Viata Medicala magazine no. 17, in the “Clinical Trials Pill / Pastila de studii Clinice" series, section “Essential / Esential”, on page 13. See here the article in Romanian.


The series of articles about clinical trials in Viata Medicala magazine in the section “Pastila de … studii clinice” / “The clinical trials … pill,” are part of our education and information activity in 2020. The articles are dedicated to physicians, especially those who have not yet come in contact with clinical trials.

Please check the News Section of our site to find the rest of the articles.

  1. We started a series of articles on clinical trials fundamentals & information in Viata Medicala magazine
  2. “The clinical trial, from A to Z”, an article in Viata Medicala magazine at the beginning of 2020
  3. About the actors of a clinical trial - Avantyo article in Viata Medicala Magazine
  4. “Patient-Centric Approach, the effective partnership” - Avantyo article in Viata Medicala magazine
  5. The Good Practice (GCP) and the responsibilities of pharma sponsors - Avantyo article in Viata Medicala magazine

You might also find them posted on our social media pages, on Facebook and Linkedin.

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Posted on: 04 May 2020