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National Conference FACP National Cancer Survivors Day, 2023

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National Conference FACP National Cancer Survivors Day, 2023

Benefits of Involving Patients in Development Medicine

Between June 1st and 4th, 2023, the Federation of Associations of Cancer Patients organized the 15th edition of the FACP National Conference with the theme "CANCER SURVIVORS' DAY", in the context of the new law of the same name. The event was attended by over 150 patients and relatives from the 22 FACP member associations and 27 speakers.

Dr. Cristina Florescu Moraid, CEO of AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research and President of the Symposium on Clinical Studies in Romania, participated in this event as an online speaker with the topic "Patients' Access to Innovative Therapies Through Participation in Clinical Studies."

She started her presentation with the Benefits of Involving Patients in Development Medicine, explained what a clinical trial is, and continued with a short history presentation from the first clinical trials to the present day.

The presentation continued with the importance of informed consent, the phases of a clinical trial, how a clinical trial works, and who the actors are in a clinical trial.

She presented to the participants the different reasons that lead to participation in a clinical trial, pointing out that participation in a clinical trial can help generations and save lives both now and in the future. The COVID-19 pandemic played an important role in the development of clinical trials worldwide; new standards arose, regulators acted rapidly, and progress has come into the EU with the New Regulation.

Dr. Cristina Florescu Moraid presented the annual recruitment of patients enrolled in oncology clinical trials.

The participants were made aware of how and where they can obtain information about a clinical trial, the benefits brought to patients through participation in clinical trials, and what happens when the study ends. In the end, the benefits of the studies were pointed out in clinics (SC) for patients by oncologists who have shown efficacy with new molecules discovered.

SC offers new options for oncological patients, allowing his doctors to improve the way in which they prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer.

Posted on: 05 June 2023